What's goin on? I wonder if that is a question all of us ask ourselves lately. I know I do. Why is it so important to have that big TV? Why is it so important to have that big vacation? Why is it so important to spend...spend....spend? Is that the only thing that makes one happy today. I grew up in a very different world. One that will never come again. People cared. They visited. They called. They brought over dinners when someone was ill. They shared, they dreamed, they loved.
I remember my Mom and Dad telling me about the depression, how awful it was, yet how it brought their friends and their family together. A big night on the town might be sitting on the porch talking, shooting the breeze, making each other make it through. Sure, there was crime, there was fighting, but there was compassion. I do not want to think we have lost that. I know we have not. I have raised two very wonderful children, who did not have everything, who lived in a small home, who shared. They never talk of feeling deprived. Ever. But I did raise them to be individuals with their own minds, something in which I do not believe I have ever mastered. Always trying to please someone, when really can we ever?
This is a very different generation. But it is a good generation. Basically we all want the same, to be happy. My mother told me once that things always come full circle. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But of this I am
sure. Everyone dreams, everyone loves, everyone wants someone to listen to them. Quiet..... listen, it is amazing what you will hear.