Saturday, September 4, 2010

More than the same name

It isn't often in life you are blessed to have one true friend.  Many friends, yes.  But to have that one person in your life who understands is truly a blessing.  All through our years together, we have gone through many of the same things.  Went through divorces together, and all the sadness that goes with it, had two children each, and no money, but always managed to find things to do on those holidays when you are alone,   New Years Eve, couples things, which you are never thought about.  Losing parents, getting married again to men that we know will be by our side at the very end.  But most of all, my partner in crime, listens to what I have to say and understands what I mean.  Our children our grown now, but here we are still talking and worrying about them together.  She is quite a doer, and has always pushed the "quiet one"  even had to stand up for me at times.  I only hope that I have done for her what she has done for me.  Just plain been there.  That is all you really need.  Sometimes, just for someone to listen.  I love her.  We do things with our husbands now, they have also formed a close relationship.  Maybe someday we can walk grandchildren together.  I am so glad she is in my life.  Oh, did I mention we also worked desk to desk for years in the back of a big office building.  You can imagine the plotting back there!!!  We graduated from the same high school, had two children each.  (Often, people would mistake her girls for mine, and my boy and girl for hers)  Mine are dark haired and hers are blond.  We have laughed together, worked together, planned together and cried together.
She is very dear to me and I just want to make sure she knows this.  Now we are getting older together,  What is ahead?  We don't know, but we do know we will come through it TOGETHER.
Oh, did I mention her name was Linda?