Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thankful for.....

Erin,Devin,Jerry,Mom,Daddy, my sister and brother, learning to drive, my best friend, Buster, Molly, Max, Penny, Abe, Sassy, Aunt Mamie, Grandma, My wedding day (both of them were happy days), dancing, reading, Benjamin, Erins wedding day, Devins graduation, Nancy, hool a hoop champ, running, Bob-Lo, Brian, leg wrestling with my brother years ago, Stone quarry, ice cream, movies, music, Erin College, Billy, Chrissy, health, God, snow, rain, tea, knitting, wine, Todd, Blake, computer, baking, laughing, smiles, hugs, Chloe, watching snow fall, peace, Beatles, Bob Dylan, John Lennon, birthdays, Christmas, presents, Art, watching a movie with Jerry, Antiquing with Jerry, shopping, Michelle, lazy days, being with my kids, Lori, Callie, my cousins, children, babies, hope

1 comment:

Cinnamon owl said...

What a good idea for a blog, I am going to steal it!