Monday, August 27, 2012

Amazing Grace

Well, I have written many blogs lately.  Just wanted to share some of the amazing grace my family has shown and endured.

Lets start with my Mom.  She never had much money to spend on us when we were little.  But there was never a Christmas that went by that was not memorable.  She baked, she managed to surprise us all.  She did not complain about money, just was a worrier.  But she had the grace and beauty of  Cardinal, her favorite bird.  Cardinals bring me special joy when I see them, and they always appear, at the most important times.  My cousin died this week, she knew how I would feel.  I the way to her house as we turned the corner, there was one sitting on the fence on her block.  She loved her children, there is no better love.

My Dad, He had the grace of faith.  He did not worry, he never let you know when something was bothering him.  Until the week he died he got down on his knees a prayed beside his bed, before retiring.  He had the best advice, and I always felt safe when he was around.

My Sister, well I have teased on her, but there is no greater love than a sister for a sister.  From the very beginning she has been there for me.  Kindergarden, I was one of the criers.  I believe she was in sixth grade,  I would start to cry, the teacher would call her down and she would settle whatever the problem was.  She always did stick up for me, she did not squeeze my hand that hard (after all, would you want to take a five year old everywhere with you?)  She did not make red marks on her arm.  She also was blamed for many things while we were growing up.  She bought me a book every payday when she started working, she bought me my first bikini.  She opens her heart and home to anyone.  She cannot hurt feelings, if it does happen, she suffers more than the one who's feeling were hurt.  ( I am like that too)  She is always there for people she cares about, and for me, always there at anytime. 

My brother, for his cranky pants manner, I know how much my brother loves me.  I remember playing with him when we were little.  I remember how cute he was and is.  He is very tender hearted, but sometimes has difficulty showing it.  I could call him right now and he would talk to me and listen.  He liked peas.  He is also generous.

My husband, Jerry.  Why did it take so long to find him?  No one knows how kind and funny this man is because he is so quiet.  But he is.  He love wtih all his heart, has been there in bad times, good times and sad times.  My true soul mate.

Linda, my best girlfriend.  Through most of our lives, we have gone through the same things together. We tried to give our children happy times.  Being single without much money is not fun.  But somehow we managed and made some wonderful memories.  I know she is there for me and I for her.
Just this week, during the funeral she knew what was happening to my heart.  She was so kind and good.  She knows what I like, what I do not like and who I love.  She knows I hurt, she knows when I am happy or sad.  She proved that Saturday.

My children Erin and Devin,  I raised them to respect elders, which they do.  They could be fighting mad, but never say something to an elder.  They would rather not say anything at all than to be disrespectful.  They love each other.  They love their Aunt like an extended me.  They love me.
They were good children and they are good adults.  They both have had their share of disappoinments but they struggle, but never quit.  Just like their Grandfather and I told them.  They have good hearts, which to me, is a blessing. 

So, my family, although we are not perfect we do carry the grace of love for one another.  I am blessed they are a part of me.  I was given the very best of luck when it came to family.  I so love them all.  They truly carry Amazing Grace.

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